In coming up with five great leaders my choices are:
Martin Luther King Jr ( January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968). This man and his leadership changed the world we live in today. He played a pivotal role in changing the way African-Americans are viewed in this country. He was a strong leader because he had a voice and was not afraid to use it. He stood up for what was right and didn't back down to anyone. He was successful in his plight because of the need for change at this point and time in history.
Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela is a leader. He was an anti-apatheid activist. He wanted to end the segregation of South Africa. He was arrested and convicted of sabotage in 1962 and spent 27 years in prison. After his release he was the first person to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. He led the party negotiations that led to the establishment of democracy in 1994. He is a vigilant man who will not be kept down. He has gained support in his country through his work at trying to resolve the issue of poverty. His attitude and sacrifices for his beliefs for his country are what make him great.
John F Kennedy (May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963) John Kennedy was ahead of his time. He was going to make a change in the United States. He was young and appealed to a new generation. His most famous quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" was said to get the country together to fight against war at home, the war against social injustice such as poverty and disease. He showed the nation he cared about even the little person. He was a people's president. John Kennedy was going to change the world until he was shot in that famous scene of his motorcade being shot by Lee Harvy Oswald on November 22, 1963.. This date is carved deep into the hearts of those who were old enough to remember what happened. Where were you when Kennedy was shot?
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (October 2, 1869-January 30, 1948. Ghandi was a leader of civil rights in British ruled India. He led India to Independence and inspired non violent civil rights movements around the world. After being thrown off a train for refusing to move from first class he became involved in securing equal rights for all people of his nation and around the world. People followed him because he was a quiet peaceful man in a time of turmoil. He was seen as sort of a messiah for the people of his nation. Gandhi's methods for keeping the peace and his outlook on society are still prevalent today.
Adolf Hitler ( April 20, 1889- April 30, 1945. Hilter makes it onto the list of great leaders not because of his message, but because he was able to lead millions in ungodly acts of genocide. The way he spoke to people and knew what to say to convince people to do what he wanted even though he was twisted in what was right is an amazing accomplishment. This ordinary man was able to gain support from millions in killing people that he didn't see as right. Why is this possible? Hitler knew where to talk up his message to gain the most support. As crazy as his message was, his able to gain support was genius. making him a great leader.
A leader is someone who can get a following and has the potential to change the way people think. Throughout history there has been many great leaders. Not all of these leaders are positive, but they are or were still great.
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