Friday, April 13, 2012

Poverty Simulation

So today I took part the poverty simulation hosted by the Northeast Community Action Agency. This was not really what I expected. This simulation that is designed to show us what it is like to be in a low income household trying to survive was not well designed. There was too broad of descriptions as to what we should be doing as members of the family. I was a 17 year olde male who was associated with drugs and dropped out of highschool with a baby on the way. That was all the information provided to me for this simulation. I had no idea what I needed to do to participate. So most of my time was spent wandering around the room. I did go back to school but then was kicked out and so I found myself wandering around again. I did run some errands for my mom, but there really wasn't much more to do. I did see that as a 17 year old there is not much you could do to help support your family in a time of need. I know that if you find yourself in a situation like this it is confusing and people don't always know where to turn. So it was good to see some of the recources available like the Communtiy Action Agency that provides help to people, although that help is usually not that easy to get. From experience the people at some of the organizations designed to help are not that helpful.

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