Monday, April 9, 2012


My relationships in my life make me who I am. I think that you surround yourself with people and form relationships with them when the enhance certain aspects of your personality. My boyfriend is the one person that I can be silly and crazy with. I know he is there to guide me when I do dumb things and there to support me when I need it. My best friend is also there when I need help anytime. She is the bacon to my eggs. She is some one to laugh and cry with in a different way than my boyfriend is.  These two people with their love and support drive me to do things in my life I may not have done alone. My boyfriend is a huge supporter of my going back to school. He offers his help in any way that he can. My best friend does also, they both help me study when I need help and even watch the kiddos so I can come to school.  They both enhance my personality in that my boyfriend brings out my sense of humor and my Friend brings out my girlie side.

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