Friday, February 3, 2012

Blog 2

In my life I went about thinking I could read people very well. I have always been one of those people who generally believes the good in people. I AM WRONG!!! Through my experiences in the last 3 years I found out I was totally wrong.  I thought I had found the perfect person in my life we had 2 children together and seemed very happy. He was the kind of person I had always hoped for he was attentive and caring and a great father, but under it all he was a liar and a cheater and a abuser, and I had no clue. I lived with this man for 3 years.
For me reading this chaper on percieving other people made me think of him and my situation whcih ended with a prison sentence for domestic assault for him. I found that it is our human nature to believe the good in people and that people don't lie.
I also think that once you encounter that betrayl in your life, that is when you learn to be skeptical and not take things peole say or do at face value.
When I think back on those years there are so many telling unspoken cues that he was lying to me, and I chose not to pay attention to them.
The way we percieve people is the way WE want to see them not neccisarily how they truely are.

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